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Welcome to Too Humid! We’re glad you’re here! Now that you’ve taken the initiative to explore our site this far, we thought we’d take the opportunity to introduce ourselves. We’re the Too Humid Team, a few intrepid product reviewers and consumer advocates trying to make the world a drier and healthier place, at least indoors!
About The Site
We created this site out of the same frustration that no doubt brought you to it! We had both experienced mold and mildew issues in our houses. We also share a hatred of hot, sweaty weather, so it’s not exactly a surprise that we’re big on dehumidifiers. The problem is, it’s awfully difficult to find anything decent to buy these days.
So, we teamed up to create a site for people to find honest, accurate reviews of dehumidifiers. We saw a definite need out there, even with places like Consumer Reports doing hardcore lab testing. What those sites don’t include is any kind of perspective on longevity. They test units for a week in a lab, and then slap a rating on them. You and I buy those same models, get excited, and then get stuck with a broken machine after a few months.
Our goal with Too Humid is to incorporate absolutely all the information you need to make an informed decision. We weed out all the obvious stinkers with dreadful reliability records, and we sift out the underpowered options as well. Once we’ve weeded down the field, we do our own in-depth reviews, then publish them with rankings of our top models!
You can find out more about our review process below.
Most importantly, we differ from the reviewers in common periodicals and online review sites in that we have no relationship with manufacturers. We’re not obligated to review any specific models, or to recommend anything we’re not absolutely sure about. We’re completely objective, and we approach things as consumers, not professional reviewers who gush about gadgets without having to actually consider what it would be like to shell out for a specific model or rely on it in a home.
Meet The Team
Allan Greyson
Allan Greyson is a handyman and avid DIYer from Scarborough, MA.
Sylvie Meyers
Sylvie Meyers is a freelance writer and researcher, who’s very into healthy lifestyles and home design.
Our Review Process
We evaluate every aspect of a dehumidifier. We want you to be able to use our reviews to cut through all the marketing guff that you find in product listings. That’s why we work primarily with the hard, fast numbers!
We’ll tell you what a given machine will realistically do, not what it’s claimed to do on the packaging. We analyze the BTU and pints per day ratings, and give you a real-world description of what they mean. If we think a given machine has a rather optimistic pint rating compared to its BTU, we’ll tell you to expect a bit less than described in the listing. Likewise in the opposite direction.
One thing that sets our reviews apart from others you’ll find online is our focus on durability and reliability. There are countless dehumidifiers on the market that do a decent job, but 2/3 of them conk out before one season is through. We put a lot of effort into finding models to recommend that will last for years.
Not only will we dig into the performance specs and features of the machines we’ll recommend, but we’ll do a thorough inspection of all the parts and components. If we find a weak point, we’ll let you know. Also, you can trust us to sift through every single buyer review we can find online to give you a realistic forecast as to how long you could expect to use a given model.
We’re honest about our recommendations, too. While we strive to recommend the models with the best longevity, we know that dehumidifiers are a pretty finicky product overall. So, unlike other sites, we won’t pretend that even our high-end picks are indestructible. Instead, we’ll give you an accurate, unbiased perspective on the models themselves, and direct you to product listings where you can get a solid add-on warranty from Square Trade or a similar provider.
In Closing
Finally, we want to encourage you to get in touch with us with anything that’s on your mind! Let us know if you’ve had a bad experience with a model we recommend. Or, suggest a model you think we’ve overlooked. Share your dehumidification tips, and we’ll use them in a how-to article! We want this site to be the best resource it can be, which means we need your help! Head over to the Contact page to find us.